Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sharing Project Life

Hi, okay so my plan was to post this last week, but I've been so busy with catching up on my Project Life. I'm almost there. The week that got me so behind in the first place was week 9. I just couldn't get it to look the way I wanted it to. I like when the elements flow nicely together and it just wasn't happening that week. Today I'm going to share with you Week 10, 11 & 13. Week 10 was my first week that I didn't do a full spread for the week. And it worked out perfectly. It shows that you don't have to do a full spread every week. As long as you are capturing and documenting life, that's all that matters. Week 10 & 11 are facing pages that are divided with an extra insert. A Martha Stewart 8.5"x11" page protector. The weather was amazing these two weeks and I had a ton of photos I wanted to include in my Project Life. I used a digital template by Cathy Zielske: Story Guide No.03A. I altered it a bit to make it fit all the photos I wanted. This week I also included week in review, the weather, Instagram photos and cute little Incredibooth photos of Emily and I. Love the way the week turned out. Click HERE for Credits.

Week 11 I used Becky Higgins Design F Page Protectors for the first time. I really love using Design A but wanted to step out of my comfort zone. Design F Page Protectors are great for weeks that you have a ton of little things that you want to document and have in there own sleeves. This week I included Bits & Pieces, a DVD cover of the movie Addison is into, the cover of the book I'm reading, a little recap of the week and pictures from the week. I'm definitely looking forward to playing with Design F again. Click HERE for Credits.

Week 13 I ended up doing a double page spread and I love that the colours flowed from one page to the other. When putting my pages together, if I find a photo colouring might not work the way I want it to I usually turn that photo into Black & White. It's always a quick fix. I've included a April Memories card which I included every month. I'm liking my little Bits & Pieces card. It's a nice place to document the odds and ends of the week. I used my Silhouette to cut out some chevrons and wording. The funny thing about my Silhouette that my husband bought for me for my thirtieth birthday is that I had it for 3 years before I started using it. What was thinking LOL! It's such a GREAT tool to add elements to your page. Now I'm dreaming of the Cameo. Click HERE for Credits

Well thanks for stoping by and taking a look. I hope in the next couple of weeks to get all my pages uploaded to flickr. That's my goal. Check back next week for another Copy Cat Challenge. Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.
